Mobile Deep Links

Deep links are a type of link that sends users directly to an app instead of a website or a store. They are used to send users straight to specific in-app locations, saving users the time and energy locating a particular page themselves – significantly improving the user experience.

You can use deep links in CompanyCam by formatting your URL based upon the table below:


Open the mobile app directly into the project with id 35212993: ccam://projects/35212993

Directly into the camera for a projectccam://camera/<project_id>
Directly into a projectccam://projects/<project_id>
Directly into a photoccam://photos/<photo_id>
Directly into a photo's commentsccam://photo-comments/<photo_id>
Directly into a video's commentsccam://video-comments/<video_id>
Add a userccam://adduser
Refer a userccam://referral
Notification settingsccam://notification-settings