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Possible scope values for webhook endpoints

I can't find the possible scope values for the webhook create/update endpoints. Spent about 15 minutes - can someone tell me what they are? This stuff should 100% be easy to find in the documentation

Keep getting "Internal server error, try again shortly"

In post requests to create a new project in zoho crm's deluge i keep getting a "Internal server error, try again shortly" error. This has worked for other scenarios so I don't know what the issue is. Please help if you know the issue. header = Map(); header.put("accept", "application/json"); header.put("authorization", "Bearer -------------------------------------------"); header.put("content-type", "application/json"); address = Map(); address.put("street_address_1", street); address.put("city", city); address.put("state", state); address.put("postal_code", zip); projectDetails = Map(); projectDetails.put("name", fName + " " + lName); projectDetails.put("address", address); response = invokeurl [ url: "https://api.companycam.com/v2/projects" type: POST parameters: projectDetails headers: header ]; info response; I know there is now a company cam integration with zoho but i would prefer to do it this way

Missing Project ID in Comments Webhook JSON.

I am missing the Project ID when my comments Webhook fires it JSON. Without the link I am not able to attach it to the project.

API for managing internal and external collaborators

I'm interested in using the API to automatically manage permissions/collaborators for companycam projects. When internal users or external subcontractors are assigned to a project in our CRM, we would like to add them to the corresponding companycam project. I saw two threads (one from 6 months ago, another from 2 months) about managing collaborators via API. Do you have any updates on when these APIs are coming?

How can one access project discussion via the API?

To whom it may concern: There does not appear to be documented means of retrieving project discussion comments via the API. Is there a way of doing so? Thank you.

Suddenly seeing CORS based API rejections

We are suddenly seeing rejections to our API requests through Chrome and Edge. This is a critical problem for us now. Have the CORS policies changed?

Invite Guests to Projects Using API

Is there anyway to invite guests to a project to upload photos using the API? We have around 800 sub contractors and over 50 internal employees and are considering using Company Cam. We need to be able to integrate with our CRM and invite our subcontractors to projects using the API as the projects will be automatically created from our CRM once the service is scheduled on our end.

Updated API Guide?

Is there an updated guide or resource that is more accurate? I'm running into constant issues with info provided in the API guide and support answers with very non-answer asking for screenshots etc. I.e. -List All Users --Query (An optional value to filter the projects by name and address line 1) ---I'm not filtering projects --modified_since (An ISO8601 formatted date and time to return projects modified on or after the provided value) ---On another record type this is actually required in EPOCH format. But I'm not able to get this one to work in either. -List Projects --Query (An optional value to filter the projects by name and address line 1) ---This flat out does not work. I've tried every variation of line one and name --modified_since (An ISO8601 formatted date and time to return projects modified on or after the provided value) ---On another record type this is actually required in EPOCH format. In Epoch format, I get a server error. In ISO8601 it does not work. -List Photos - start_date (An ISO8601 formatted date and time to return projects modified on or after the provided value) -- Says ISO8601 but is actual EPOCH I've spent days trying to work through this stuff and am currently hung on the modified_since info on projects and users.

Tracking photo deletes via webhook

I dont see any way to have webhook set on delete - has anyone come up with best way to handle? Is there a specific query to show deleted photos that could then delete in other systems being kept in sync?

Possible OpenAPI spec amendments?

Hi, I've come across a few possible inaccuracies in the [OpenAPI spec](https://github.com/CompanyCam/openapi-spec). I use it for unit testing my [Python client](https://github.com/ely-as/python-companycam), and the following discrepancies bubbled up from failed tests: Paths: - `deleteProjectLabel`: The [success response](https://github.com/CompanyCam/openapi-spec/blob/b60e8f0aa90ae8293fad9e39f02e15d3e77f77bb/openapi.yaml#L1350) is `204 No Content`, but the API returns a list of (updated) `Tag` objects. Components: - `Photo` has a [property named `urls`](https://github.com/CompanyCam/openapi-spec/blob/b60e8f0aa90ae8293fad9e39f02e15d3e77f77bb/openapi.yaml#L3005), but the API returns a property named `uris`. - `ImageURI` has a [property named `uri`](https://github.com/CompanyCam/openapi-spec/blob/b60e8f0aa90ae8293fad9e39f02e15d3e77f77bb/openapi.yaml#L3169), but the API returns a property named `url`.