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How often do refresh tokens expire?

Hello, I see my refresh tokens fail regularly with the following error. {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."} I did not revoke or change the redirection URI so by elimination, I am assuming it expired or was issued to another client. Is there a time limit on the refresh token? Under what circumstances would it be issued to another client?

Mention user in a comment via API

Greetings! Is there a way to tag/mention an user via API? Right now, you can only send a content as data, but it'll be usefull for our current requirements to be able to tag users. Thanks in advance!

API To create a gallery

Hi, is there a way to create a gallery via the API?

Check for duplicate photo?

Is there a way to see if a photo has already been uploaded to a project?

Check for duplicate photo?

Is there a way to see if a photo has already been uploaded to a project?

OAuth Credentials

How much time do you provide the OAuth credentials after the request ?

Access to Photo Description field

Your last entry in the changelog declared that you had added "Description" to the Photo data. Is this for responses only? Or can we now add Description text to a photo via the API? It would be extremely helpful if a method for adding Description text was available through the API.

Is there a way to view checklist reponses via the API?

Is there a way to view checklist reponses via the API? From what I can see, you can only access meta-data.

API - Access Videos

Is there a way to access videos through a project api request? I am able to see photos taken but no videos come through

Is there a way to add a task with the API

This will be super helpful to be able to create project related tasks