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How often do refresh tokens expire?

Hello, I see my refresh tokens fail regularly with the following error. {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."} I did not revoke or change the redirection URI so by elimination, I am assuming it expired or was issued to another client. Is there a time limit on the refresh token? Under what circumstances would it be issued to another client?

API To create a gallery

Hi, is there a way to create a gallery via the API?

Check for duplicate photo?

Is there a way to see if a photo has already been uploaded to a project?

can i get project list wia user_id or any api for that

can i get project list wia user_id or any api for that

Check for duplicate photo?

Is there a way to see if a photo has already been uploaded to a project?

We don't see a webhook event when a collaborator adds a photo

We do see an event if we (the owner of the project) add a photo.

Google Drive to CompanyCam API

I'm trying to create a Google App script that creates a companycam project and pushes the photos from a google drive folder into the companycam project. I'm having trouble with the following error Full Response: {"errors":["Internal server error, try again shortly"]}

Notifcation when a page is created

Is there a way to create a webhook to get a notification when I need "page" is created. Im trying to do this with zapier and don't know if it is possible?