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Request: API path to retrieve photo comments and tags for multiple items

To whom it may concern: Retrieving comments and tags via the API as it is currently documented requires the end user to issue a separate request to retrieve comments and tags for every individual photo in a given project (cf. List Comments). Just off the top of my head, it seems like it would be reasonable to allow the {photo_id} parameter to accept a comma delimited list. More generally, after using the API for a while to build some integrations, I can say that it'd be especially nice to have some optional denormalization parameters when making requests against the "List Photos" and "Retrieve Photo" endpoints, which would tell the API to include, e.g., comments and tags as an embedded array within each photo object. Picture a query parameter like "&includeComments=1", for example. Thanks for your time.

How can one access project discussion via the API?

To whom it may concern: There does not appear to be documented means of retrieving project discussion comments via the API. Is there a way of doing so? Thank you.

Understanding geofence coordinates

I have been mapping Project geofence data to a leaflet map. However, I now realize that the APIs "projects" endpoint only delivers this data for a single project (It appears to be the first project we created). And even with that project, edits to the geofence data are only reflected in the CompanyCam web UI and not the API. And no other projects contain any data in the APIs geofence property. But I do see it in the web UI.

"Update Photo" API endpoint only udates "internal" property of a photo?

I'm not sure I understand the "Update Photo" API endpoint, https://api.companycam.com/v2/photos/{id}. It accepts an object which would lead me to assume that we can update various properties of a photo. The example for the API only demonstrates the "internal" property being changed, and that's indeed the only property that I am able to update. That would seem just a bit unusual as it accepts an object not just a true/false property. Id really like to add my own properties to the photo object, like "price". Possible?

Universal Links

Do you support universal links as outlined here: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html I’d like to be able to set up a button in an Airtable base to link it to my customer in company cam but instead of opening the project in a browser it opens the project right in the app. I run Airtable and CompanyCam on my iPad and this would be handy.

how to get credentials?

Where can I find my client id?

how to get credentials?

How to get client_id and client_secret in companycam website to hit the API endpoints.

Project docs

I don’t see project docs listed on the api. Would like to integrate the project docs in CompanyCam with Monday.com. Is this possible? If so, would like to discuss in more detail.