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Dynamic Value for query (Get Project)

I am trying to get a project via Make (Integromat) but need to dynamically populate the query to filter the get project request. If I enter the query manually (as in manually type in "660 Glenrock" for the query), it will only return the project "660 Glenrock" if it exists. However when I try to dynamically populate the search query in Integromat, it sends an Input Value of "null" for the query effectively bypassing the filter. [ { "ca": null, "qs": [ { "name": "query", "value": null } ], "url": "https://api.companycam.com/v2/projects", "gzip": true, "method": "get", "headers": [ { "name": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer Gb-KVU2YyDeyq4fFjhJuR18vVsrPxr7eHC_sRqwMUsY" } ], "timeout": null, "useMtls": false, "bodyType": null, "serializeUrl": false, "shareCookies": false, "parseResponse": true, "followRedirect": true, "useQuerystring": false, "followAllRedirects": false, "rejectUnauthorized": true } ]

API - Update or Create Project - Integrations

Is there an api which allows the addition of a Project Integration object to a project? Or plans to add to Create or Update Project if not? I attempted this in the body of the Update Project call, the address updated but integrations did not. { "address": { "street_address_1": "123 Test", "street_address_2": "apt 2" }, "integrations": [ { "type": "CRM", "relation_id": "4024df9e-5808-ed11-82e4-002248080f6f" } ] } Thanks!

Correlation between "Before" photos and "After" photos?

Is there anything in place when creating a "Before and After" photo that stores any reference to the original "Before" and "After" photo? Yes, we can see it visually in the interface, but is there any way to tell programmatically? Thanks, Dion

Project templates with to-do lists and reports. And creating new project from templates.

Hi, I wanted to ask if there are any plans to create a project from a project template via API or manually? We work on same type of projects with repeating processes and this would be a huge time saver for us if we would not have to manually add all to-do lists and reports to each newly created project

Problem with Project Add Photo

I have been trying to upload photos using the API. I get a response code 201 but the photo never appears. The processing status always shows as Pending when I do a Retrieve Photo. When I do Project List Photo, it doesn't return anything.

what is company cam api address

api adress

Can the ability to update a contact on an existing project be added?

I've noticed I can create a new contact when creating a project but there seems to be no way (based on the OAS file, web docs, and personal experimentation) to update the contact once the project is created.

Share photos link through API

Currently in CompanyCam we have a process where we select all the photos from a certain day, click share, then click gallery, then we copy the link that is created. Is there a way to have that link generated through the API?

Need help in recovering an accidently deleted Project

I accidently deleted a project trying to delete the report. Need assistance, please?

Deep Links Not Opening Project All The Time

We have started implementing deep links (eg: ccam://projects/12345678) in our Jobber notes to let our crews jump directly to that project in the CompanyCam app on their Android phones. Initially this seemed to work, however we are discovering that there are times when the link simply takes the user to the CompanyCam app main screen, but not directly in to the project. We are using Zapier to pre-create the projects when a Request is created in Jobber, so the links are always valid. It appears that is CompanyCam is closed and the link is tapped, it works fine. If CompanyCam is already open, that's when we seem to have issues. PowerApps have this issue as well, and it is apparently a result of the way Android handles open apps. They implemented a URL modifier to force the app to restart. Has anyone else encountered this with CompanyCam?