
Ask a Question

Create To-do lists and Reports from Templates

Hi, I wanted to ask if there are any plans to add an ability to create To-do lists and Reports from Templates via API? We work on same type of projects with repeating processes and this would be a huge time saver for us if we would not have to manually add all to-do lists and reports.

Update Group API Not Working

I tried to test the Update Group API to add the users to the group but the response was coming "Internal server error, try again shortly."

API - Access Videos

Is there a way to access videos through a project api request? I am able to see photos taken but no videos come through

Distinguish Project photo and photo comment update

Hi CompanyCam, We are currently implementing integration with your api. The project photo list response has updated_at timestamp, we are doing image re-downloads if the photo was updated. We recently noticed that this timestamp also gets updated when new comments are added to the photo. What is the best way to find if photo was not updated, but just new comments were added? Thanks.

Access to Photo Description field

Your last entry in the changelog declared that you had added "Description" to the Photo data. Is this for responses only? Or can we now add Description text to a photo via the API? It would be extremely helpful if a method for adding Description text was available through the API.

Reports via API

Been poking around for a bit, but I'm not seeing anything to do with Reports in the API docs. Will this be added at some point?

Delete company webhook.

Hello, I am reaching out to inquire about the availability of a webhook when a company is deleted on CompanyCam. I recently encountered a situation where I connected my ConstructionClock company to CompanyCam. After deleting my account on CompanyCam I still sent webhooks as accounts were synced and received errors. However, when attempting to disconnect the account, I encountered a 401 error, specifically an "Unauthorized" issue. Unfortunately, this prevents me from deleting webhooks. Could you please provide information on whether CompanyCam has a webhook feature for company deletions? Additionally, if there are any suggestions or solutions to address the 401 error during the account disconnection process, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. Thank you for your time and assistance.

When do access tokens expire?

I have a Zapier webhook to retrieve data from CompanyCam and edit labels, but the access token keeps expiring and I have to keep updating it every time I run a Zap. How often do they refresh and is there a way to avoid this??

Retrieve answers submitted to a checklist

Hello. I am able to get what looks like the meta data for a checklist from the API "Retrieve Project Checklist". How can I get the answers a user submitted? Thank you.

Is it possible to get a checklist doc (pdf) via the API?

Is it possible to get a checklist doc (pdf) via the API by referencing the company cam project ID?