List Photos by tag
Under the API reference for List Photos at https://docs.companycam.com/reference/listphotos, the tag_ids parameter gives the ability to select multiple tags, but unlike the web application, there doesn't seem to be a way to specify this to be an AND or an OR query, and I really need it to be able to be able to do both. Is there a secret parameter that isn't documented? or is this just a limitation of the API?
Send Image from Google Street View API to CompanyCam API
Looking for some guidance. My use case is that when a lead calls and gives me their address, I want to populate the CompanyCam job with an image from Google.
Webhooks incosistency
Good morning!
Updating Primary Contact
I've built an integration with your API and am adding the primary contact bit to projects we create from our system using your API.
videos vs photos
how do I access videos via the API?
Checklist Tasks Not Accurate Through API
The data returned from the Checklist API doesn't accurately match what we see in the web app.
Managing 429 Too Many Requests Error for Create Projects API
While creating new projects, I am receiving a 429 - Too Many Requests error. I need to handle this error, so I would like to know the request limit for the Create Projects API endpoint.
Description for Photos
In your API documentation, you list the Description field for a photo as a text string. However, when I GET a photo by ID that contains a description, the description is a collection: id, html_content, plain_text_content. Is it returned this way to support formatting? Are multiple descriptions per photo allowed? Can you update your API documentation to reflect this?
Create report from template and update report from checklist images automatically
Hello, I was under the impression that I would be able to auto-populate a report using images from a checklist as that's why I signed up after a lengthy conversation w/sales. I was told by support to come here and ask this question. How do I do this as I don't see anything regarding reports in the API docs.
Request for client ID and secret for OAuth 2.0
I submitted the form to request for a client id and a secret for OAuth 2.0. How soon will I get a response?